請問跟外國人做愛時,男生要什麼叫? - 成人話題討論

By Emma
at 2014-08-17T23:34
at 2014-08-17T23:34
Table of Contents
You swallowed it ..suck this dick for daddy
You swallowed it ..usin' that lips
it's the world's biggest dick
"what do you want me to do with it?" don't matter just don't bite it
You took your tongue out your mouth, put it on top...Like a cherry,
started movin' it like a snake and it was very Irresistable
what do you expect I'm gonna dogg you like a doggy
Gently place the balls into the mouth and ..HAMMMMMMMM..get it all baby
"You little ho' hurry up and suck my dick!"
I could'nt pay u to quit Cuz the ho' was doin' some old crazy shit
That made me start havin' a fit'
Cuz u suck my hellified dick ..
Ouch, shit, godamn bitch you bit' my damnShit
I said suck the mothafucka, you're bitin' it, shit!
First you grab the dick
next you gently lick it up and down,
then insert it into the mouth
Take it slow, don't rush it, and before you know it ...XDDDDD
※ 引述《OPman (Ram it! )》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《large12394 (MaMamia)》之銘言:
: : 小魯最近因朋友介紹認識一位從美國到台中教書的英文老師。
: : 想說剛好有這因緣際會可以多多練習我的菜英文,這一整個禮拜靠著Google翻譯跟臉書與她聊天,從她爸媽聊到她做愛的恥度。在聊天過程中得知一個外國女孩隻身來台工作是多麼需要性生活,她說妹妹已經乾旱五六個月了!問我晚上要不要去陪她。覺得跟外國做愛總不可能說幹!幹爆妳!所以小弟想請教版上各位30cm有經驗的前輩跟外國人做愛時都喊什麼!?手機排版請見諒。
: 其實一些狀聲詞例如: Ahh , Yeah , Oh Yeah baby~ 就已經很夠用了
: 再高級一點的譬如說 : Ah , baby you are so tight. Ahh it feels good~~ . Your pu
: ssy is so wet~~
: 要有點互動的可以說: You like this? Does it feel good?
: 反正最後別忘了衝刺的時候高呼 : Oh yeah , baby I'm coming , I'm coming ahhhhhhh
: 以上
: (手機排版請見諒)
You swallowed it ..usin' that lips
it's the world's biggest dick
"what do you want me to do with it?" don't matter just don't bite it
You took your tongue out your mouth, put it on top...Like a cherry,
started movin' it like a snake and it was very Irresistable
what do you expect I'm gonna dogg you like a doggy
Gently place the balls into the mouth and ..HAMMMMMMMM..get it all baby
"You little ho' hurry up and suck my dick!"
I could'nt pay u to quit Cuz the ho' was doin' some old crazy shit
That made me start havin' a fit'
Cuz u suck my hellified dick ..
Ouch, shit, godamn bitch you bit' my damnShit
I said suck the mothafucka, you're bitin' it, shit!
First you grab the dick
next you gently lick it up and down,
then insert it into the mouth
Take it slow, don't rush it, and before you know it ...XDDDDD
※ 引述《OPman (Ram it! )》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《large12394 (MaMamia)》之銘言:
: : 小魯最近因朋友介紹認識一位從美國到台中教書的英文老師。
: : 想說剛好有這因緣際會可以多多練習我的菜英文,這一整個禮拜靠著Google翻譯跟臉書與她聊天,從她爸媽聊到她做愛的恥度。在聊天過程中得知一個外國女孩隻身來台工作是多麼需要性生活,她說妹妹已經乾旱五六個月了!問我晚上要不要去陪她。覺得跟外國做愛總不可能說幹!幹爆妳!所以小弟想請教版上各位30cm有經驗的前輩跟外國人做愛時都喊什麼!?手機排版請見諒。
: 其實一些狀聲詞例如: Ahh , Yeah , Oh Yeah baby~ 就已經很夠用了
: 再高級一點的譬如說 : Ah , baby you are so tight. Ahh it feels good~~ . Your pu
: ssy is so wet~~
: 要有點互動的可以說: You like this? Does it feel good?
: 反正最後別忘了衝刺的時候高呼 : Oh yeah , baby I'm coming , I'm coming ahhhhhhh
: 以上
: (手機排版請見諒)
All Comments

By Wallis
at 2014-08-20T16:06
at 2014-08-20T16:06

By Jessica
at 2014-08-23T08:39
at 2014-08-23T08:39

By Frederic
at 2014-08-26T01:11
at 2014-08-26T01:11

By Isla
at 2014-08-28T17:44
at 2014-08-28T17:44

By Mia
at 2014-08-31T10:16
at 2014-08-31T10:16

By Heather
at 2014-09-03T02:49
at 2014-09-03T02:49

By Thomas
at 2014-09-05T19:21
at 2014-09-05T19:21

By Kristin
at 2014-09-08T11:54
at 2014-09-08T11:54

By Doris
at 2014-09-11T04:26
at 2014-09-11T04:26

By Belly
at 2014-09-13T20:59
at 2014-09-13T20:59

By Ida
at 2014-09-16T13:31
at 2014-09-16T13:31
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