你的棒棒夠硬嗎?線上測驗7問題 測勃起是 - 成人話題討論

By Rae
at 2018-06-04T01:17
at 2018-06-04T01:17
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你的棒棒夠硬嗎?線上測驗7問題 測勃起是否有障礙
2018-06-04 00:04
〔即時新聞/綜合報導〕英國勞埃德醫藥公司(Lloyds Pharmacy)於在線醫療網頁,推出「勃起檢查」線上測驗,男性只要回答7個關於勃起的問題,就可知道自己的性功能狀況,得分針對陰莖健康區分為3塊落點區域。
第1題:你多有自信能夠勃起並保持勃起狀態?(How confident are you that you can get an erection and keep it up?)
●我根本不擔心這一點(I don’t worry at all about this)
●算有信心,但偶爾會擔心(Quite confident, but occasionally I worry)
●不是很有自信(Not so confident)
●根本沒有自信(Not confident at all)
第2題:你的勃起硬度硬到可以進入且開始做愛嗎?(Are your erections hard enough to penetrate and start having sex?)
●我對於進入沒有障礙(I have no problems with penetration)
●大部分的時間我都夠硬(I’m hard enough the majority of the time)
●一半以下的時間都不夠硬(Less than half the time)
●沒有硬到可以做愛的程度(I’m never hard enough to start sex)
第3題:在做愛時,能保持勃起狀態嗎?(During sex, can you maintain your erection?)
●大部分的時間可以,但有時候會軟掉(Most of the time, but occasionally lose it)
●常常會軟掉(I lose my erection most of the time)
●總是無法保持勃起狀態(I am never able to keep my erection)
第4題:在做愛時,保持勃起狀態到做愛結束有多困難?(During sex, how difficult is it to maintain your erection until the end?)
●真的很有障礙,我無法保持勃起(Really difficult, I can’t keep my erection up)
●很困難,但偶爾可以撐到最後(Difficult, but occasionally I manage to keep it up)
●有一半時間難以撐到最後(Half of the time it is difficult to keep it up)
●有點困難,但通常來說狀況不錯(Slightly difficult, but usually fine)
●沒有困難之處(No problem at all)
第5題:性生活對你來說愉快嗎?(Is sex enjoyable for you?)
●幾乎算愉快,但感覺可以更好(Most of the time, but could be better)
●有一半的時間覺得愉快(About half the time I find sex enjoyable)
●幾乎沒有愉快過(Almost never)
●性愛不愉快(Sex is not enjoyable anymore)
第6題:下列選項何者會對你的勃起狀態造成負面影響?(Have any of the below ever negatively affected your erection?)
●感到壓力或緊張(Stress or nerves)
●酒精和藥品(Alcohol or drugs)
●過去24小時內的性交次數多寡(Number of times I’ve had sex in the past 24 hours)
●以上皆不會有負面影響(Nothing seems to negatively affect it)
第7題:你在什麼情況下勃起硬度最強?(When do you get your best erections? )
●自慰的時候(When I’m masturbating)
●看片的時候(When I’m watching pornography)
●做愛的時候(When I’m having sex)
Sent from JPTT on my Asus ASUS_Z012DA.
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